#set terminal png size 2600,500 #set terminal png size 1920,500 set term gif x222222 xffffff enhanced font arial 14 size 800,450 set output "Plot28_30_MHz.gif" #set datafile separator "," set datafile separator "\t" set xlabel "Frequency (Mhz)" set ylabel "Power (dB)" set grid set xrange [*:*] #set yrange [*:*] #set xtics 100 #set key off set timestamp "Aufzeichnung %H:%M %d-%m-%Y" set title "RTLSDR FC0013 Tuner for L-Band 21cm" set pointsize 0.5 # The one below is best so far #plot './data28_30_MHz.csv' using 1:2 with linespoints pt 6 lc 3 plot './Scan28_30MHz-sorted.csv' using 1:3 with lines pt 6 lc 3 title "Scan"